SWD presents


with Wormrot
Max Watt's Melbourne (Melbourne, VIC)
Friday, 5 September 2025 8:00 pm
159 days away
18 Plus
Metal / Hard Rock

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18+ General Admission
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PIG DESTROYER boil metal down to its muscle, sinew, and bone-razor-sharp guitar, percussive pummelling, and alone, stark howl-and use them to commit a vicious assault. The lyrics paint loathsome, frightening images of pitch-black self-hatred and the frailty of the human experience. These musical manifestations only serve to cement their already legendary status. Having not been in Australia since 2008, PIG DESTROYER’ slong over waited return has just one goal. To unnerve the unprepared with a deranged, grisly intensity which very few, if any, can match.

Recently reforming to theoriginal line-up, Singapore’s WORMROT resume their genius in unleashing exquisite noise together, with the announcement of a new album 'TNT'. Grinding faces with the best of them, their performances are intense, spectacular, furious, with a barrage of unrelenting, head-caving abuse, honed by a singular determination to destroy the competition.