Always Based
Always Based

Always Based

With Tongue Dissolver, Vanessa Worm, KAI CULT, Nabii, Soft P*rn
Max Watt's Melbourne (Melbourne, VIC)
Thursday, 1 May 2025 7:00 pm
50 days away
18 Plus
Rave / Trance

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First Release
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KAI CULT presents ALWAYS BASED with the support of Max Watts, Music Victoria and Jameson Whiskey!

This showcase will feature Melbourne’s hottest up-and-coming Punk, Rave, Hyperpop and Indie artists for one night only!

Appearing live:
Tongue Dissolver
Vanessa Worm
Kai Cult
Soft P*rn 

Get your tickets now as this night of boundary pushing acts is not to be missed!