Rock Ko Fol | Melbourne
Rock Ko Fol | Melbourne
Entourage Touring Presents

Rock Ko Fol | Melbourne

Max Watt's Melbourne (Melbourne, VIC)
Friday, 9 May 2025 7:00 pm
55 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission Standing - 18+ Floor
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Rock Ko Fol is Coming Back to Australia! 

Almost two years ago, Rock Ko Fol embarked on a successful tour across Australia, captivating audiences and leaving an unforgettable impression. Due to their immense popularity and overwhelming demand, the band is returning to Australia for another incredible round of performances! Don’t miss your chance to experience their electrifying live show.

Rock Ko Fol formed in 2009 in San Francisco, bringing together members from across the former Yugoslavia. Starting with performances for ex-Yugoslavian expatriates in the U.S., they expanded globally in 2012, playing in Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Germany, Canada, and more.

Their music blends Rock with Bosnian Sevdah, creating a powerful, unique sound that unites diverse audiences. Celebrating 14 years of music, Rock Ko Fol stands for peace, love, and harmony. Don’t miss their return to Australia—get ready to rock!