

With DJ JNETT, Beatrice, Casey Leaver, Girl Whatever, Sez
Max Watt's Melbourne (Melbourne, VIC)
Saturday, 22 February 2025 9:00 pm
5 days away
18 Plus

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Early Bird Tickets
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Taking over Melbourne's iconic underground venue Max Watts, is the Queen herself, DJ JNETT, headlining an all female line up. Supporting JNETT in this safe rave haven, are the multi-talented Beatrice, Casey Leaver, Girl Whatever and Sez.

Get down to the underground to support live music and female artists in the music industry, while allowing yourself to succumb to the sounds that will lead you to ineffable bliss!

Proudly sponsored by Music Victoria and Absolut.

Max Watts takes pride in curating an inclusive, safe space for all, and is an accredited Good Night Out venue.