Community Entertainment Australia presents...


Max Watt's Melbourne (Melbourne, VIC)
Sunday, 18 May 2025 7:00 pm
65 days away
18 Plus

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Second Release
Available until 31st March
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Final Release
On sale Monday, 31 March 2025 12:00 am (Australia/Melbourne)
Available until 18th May
On Sale In 17 Days
Experience KASTA Live in Melbourne

Kasta takes the stage in Melbourne to present their new album, perform their greatest hits, and celebrate their 20th anniversary with their fans!

Since February 2022, the members of Kasta have taken a strong stand against Russian aggression and left the country.

Kasta, a legendary rap group, was among the first to bring this genre to a broad audience. Over the years, they have continuously evolved their creative direction while staying true to the times both musically and lyrically.

Their artistry has shaped generations of rising rap stars and loyal fans of the genre. Now, as Kasta celebrated their 20th anniversary, the group embarks on an exciting Australia tour – and Melbourne is one of their must-visit destinations!