Daniel Connell: 27 March - 13 April
Get Tickets Here
As seen on Have You Been Paying Attention? & the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala.
G'day, thanks for reading my blurb. I'll have to be quick because there's a brown bear stalking the cabin that I'm writing this from. I think it can smell my food, silly me. Anyway, I'm feeling good about how this show is shaping up, so I hope you can come along, and perhaps bring a friend or family member or lover? Your choice. Uh oh, the bear is trying to knock the cabin door down, got to get this blurb in though lol. This is a completely new hour from the one you may or may not have seen at the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Geez it's really banging the door, I hope it holds haha. But yeah, can't wait to do this show! If you've not seen me before, perhaps watch some of my clips on social media, that'll give you an idea of what you're in for. Damn, just as I suspected, the door didn't hold, shivers, the bear has spotted me. Hopefully it'll let me finish this blurb before it atta.
'Just about the best comedy I have experienced at the Fringe or elsewhere.' - Fringefeed
'Brilliant, the opportunity to see a master of stand-up at work.' Scenstr
'A comedic masterpiece.' Onya Magazine
'He has a way of taking the ordinary and making it magical, mixing a little bit of enchantment with every tale he tells.' - Beyond The Joke (UK)“